
This component is basically just a wrapper for <input type="radio" />. You'll probably want to use it along with a <label>. You also might prefer to use RFUI's FormField component instead.
Radio buttons are appropriate when you are allowing the user to choose between a few options. If there are many options to choose from, prefer the Select component.
Source code
import { RadioButton } from "rfui";


<RadioButton />


See Controlled & Uncontrolled Components and Checkboxes & Radio Buttons. Passing checked and onClick work because of
<RadioButton checked={checked} onClick={onClick} />


Set size to either "sm", "md" or "lg". Defaults to "md".
<Stack class="gap-5">
  <RadioButton size="sm" />
  <RadioButton size="md" />
  <RadioButton size="lg" />


Set disabled to either true or false. Defaults to false.
<RadioButton disabled />


Set invalid to either true or false. Defaults to false.
<RadioButton invalid />


PropRequiredDefaultType and notes
"sm" | "md" | "lg"
"sm" | "md" | "lg"
Omit<ComponentProps<"input">, "size">
See the docs for rest parameters. For RadioButton, you could pass anything you normally would pass to <input type="radio"> because the return value looks something like this: